NO POVERTY ( SDGs ) Assalamualaikum wr.wb. before continuing to read the blog, let's introduce myself. My name is Ani maulida ningsih,from SMAN 1 Purwosari,grade XI IPS 3'19. The following is the SOS4Love Project to be precise about SDGs number 1, namely Without poverty. I have the message "let's live in prosperity without poverty" according to Sustainable Development (SDGs) number 1 Ending Poverty in All Forms Everywhere. We previously knew that poverty was still a problem in various countries in the world, so "eliminating poverty and hunger" in 2030 became the "backbone" of the goal of the sustainable development agenda. Poverty, which is the main goal of the MDGs, has again become the main goal in the SDGs. Apart from the fact that poverty and hunger are still world problems, making poverty eradication the main objective is directed at ensuring the sustainability of the MDGs achievements. Poverty is seen as a situation which one cannot / is...